I am making progress in my quest to feed my family only "real" food, as defined by Michael Pollan in his book, In Defense of Food. I'd say I'm probably about 80 percent there, as I still rely on some white flour, white sugar, and the occasional box of Cheerios, among other "edible foodlike substances," (as Pollan coins them), but for the most part it's been very enlightening-- and empowering-- to focus on eating real food.
I felt like I was in a bit of a rut with real food recipes lately until I stumbled upon a fabulous website/blogsite, 100 Days of Real Food. This resource is especially helpful for those of us beginning the conversion to real food, with useful tips and delicious recipes. Today M and I made the whole wheat banana bread recipe and it was very yummy.
M is also enjoying our commitment to cooking and eating real, wholesome foods, and is hopefully gaining a greater appreciation, as am I, of where our food comes from and what's in it.