The Season of Celebrating

This has been a weekend of celebrating. A big five-year-old birthday, getting her OWN library card, and a big promotion for Daddy led to warm celebrations with loved ones and served as the perfect launch for the month-long holiday festivities ahead. I definitely love summertime, but now through New Year's is by far my favorite time of the year.

Holiday music is playing in my kitchen, winter stories are emerging, and plans are percolating for a delightful family Thanksgiving and a December full of seasonal celebrations. City holiday tree lightings, a visit to a Christmas tree farm to select the *perfect* family tree, Santa spottings, holiday brunches, open houses, winter solstice celebrations, and a trip to the Nutcracker ballet make this time of year magical for all of us.

I don't know if it's my age (34), my increasing focus on more mindful mothering, or my maturing little family--probably a bit of everything--but I am much more conscious and contemplative of our seasonal celebrations now than ever before. Among our everyday to-dos, I am trying to stop and think more carefully about how we celebrate this enchanting time of the year. I am conjuring new family traditions and enhancing old ones. For instance, celebrating the winter solstice will be a bigger event for us this year and our holiday party hosting continues to be altered and embellished.

What seasonal celebrations are you preparing for over the next few weeks, and what are some of your family's holiday traditions, old and new?